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How To Improve Environmental Awareness in Work

June 2024


In today's world, environmental sustainability is more than just a buzzword; it’s a critical responsibility that businesses must embrace. Improving environmental awareness in workplaces not only helps reduce a company’s carbon footprint but also fosters a culture of responsibility and forward-thinking among employees. When looking at how you might improve environmental awareness in your organisation, there are some tried and true methods you can use.


4 Tips to Improve Environmental Awareness in the Workplace

Education and Training

Education is the cornerstone of raising environmental awareness. Begin by looking into online courses such as the Astutis’ Environmental Awareness course, which delve deeper into specific environmental topics. This not only allows employees to learn at their own pace but also helps them understand their role’s impact on the environment and the potential legal risks. 

Additionally, organise regular workshops and seminars focused on sustainability and environmental issues. These sessions can cover a range of topics, from basic environmental science to practical ways employees can contribute to sustainability efforts.

Inviting guest speakers who are experts in the field can also be highly beneficial. These speakers can provide valuable insights and inspire employees to think more critically about their environmental impact.

Clear Communication

Effective communication is key to building environmental awareness. Regularly share updates on the company’s environmental initiatives, achievements, and goals through newsletters, emails, or the company intranet. This keeps everyone informed and engaged.

Visual reminders are also powerful tools. Use posters and infographics to display environmental tips and facts around the workplace. Share blogs that provide eco-friendly office tips. These visual cues can constantly remind employees of the importance of sustainable practices.

Include a section on environmental policies and practices in the employee handbook. This ensures that new hires are immediately aware of the company’s commitment to sustainability.

Implement Sustainable Practices

Practical changes in the workplace can greatly enhance environmental awareness. Start with a comprehensive recycling program. Ensure that recycling bins are clearly labelled and easily accessible. Regularly educate employees on what can and cannot be recycled to avoid contamination.

Promote energy conservation by encouraging simple habits like turning off lights and equipment when not in use and investing in energy-efficient appliances. Implementing a “lights off” policy for unused rooms and areas can also save a significant amount of energy.

Push for paperless initiatives by adopting digital documentation. Encourage the use of emails, cloud storage, and other digital tools to reduce paper use. When printing is necessary, use recycled paper and set printers to print double-sided by default.

Monitoring and Reporting

Regularly monitor and report on the company’s environmental performance. Track progress towards sustainability goals such as reducing carbon emissions and share these reports with employees. Avoid greenhushing and create clear transparency when reporting that fosters trust and encourages continuous improvement.

In conclusion, improving environmental awareness in workplaces requires a multifaceted approach. By combining education, communication, practical changes, and regular monitoring, businesses can create a culture of sustainability that benefits both the environment and the organisation. Engaging employees in these efforts not only enhances their awareness but also empowers them to make a positive impact, both at work and beyond.


Environmental Awareness Training for Workplaces

Developing environmental awareness in an organisation can be difficult, especially when employees are unaware of the impact their role has on environmental and sustainability issues. Astutis’ Environmental Awareness course has been developed to help employees build a basic understanding of their environmental responsibilities and assist in driving real change across an organisation.

Upon completion of the course, learners will:

  • Appreciate key environmental concepts and their relevance to business activities. 
  • Understand the ways in which organisations can impact the environment.
  • Understand the different ways in which an organisation can be penalised under environmental law.
  • Recognise the driving forces leading to environmental management systems.
  • Identify the key elements of ISO 140001 and demonstrate the ability to take on an active role within the environmental management process.
  • Understand how to manage energy and waste effectively.

Awareness is the first step. You cannot seek to understand what you aren’t aware of, and this training course will help employees accept the environmental management systems in place and demonstrate an active role in the process.



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